Overall, I was quite pleased with how my magazine turned out although I do think I could of done some stuff differently to make it better. Out of everything that I created, my favorite was the double page spread. I think that the layout looks professional as I managed to make sure the columns were all in line and straight. I followed the usual normal conventions of a regional magazine by using a main sell line and adding my picture to the other page.
I really liked how I made the layout for the interview in the DPS, I made sure that the questions were in bold and the answers/replies were in a normal font. This meant that the audience would be able to read the interview and it would flow naturally, therefore it would be a lot easier to understand.

If I was to change my magazine, I would definitely make sure that my photographs were taken professionally in order for them to come out in the best quality possible. I had difficulty when trying to cut around the images to remove the background. However if I had taken my images at the university where it was offered, there would of been a white back screen available to use meaning that my images would have been a lot to cut and edit.
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