I created a questionnaire asking questions about my magazine so that I would be to get a better understanding of my audience and see what their feedback was. I gave it out to 15 people which is a good number in order for me to get a range of different answers and opinions.

I asked people how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine and it came back that the price range of £2.00-£2.50 was the most popular. It is important that I take this feedback into consideration when creating my own product so that it meets my audiences needs. I think £2.50 is a good price to have my magazine as it will be issued monthly and is affordable for people who may be on a budget.

The majority of people who answered this questionnaire said that they would prefer to see a female model. This is very helpful as I was planning on using a female for my front cover and I think it will help to appeal to my audience more. Also, with the genre of my magazine being fashion, I think it will be more suited to having a female model as it gives my audience a chance to relate with them and see how clothing items look etc.

The most popular content that people would like to see inside the magazine is interviews and articles talking about the latest trends. In relation to my own product, I now know what to include as this is what people are interested in and I am able to relate it back to the genre of the magazine by focusing on fashion based articles. This has been very helpful as it has given me a lot better understanding of what my audience want and has given me ideas of how I can produce my magazine into being the best it possibly can be.
You could take "what people would like to see inside the magazine" data and use it on your contents page :0)