As well as my front cover, I have created a reconstruction of a contents page taken from Glamour magazine. I took the image on my phone and created everything on my own on photoshop.
I found a font which was similar to the Glamour one and managed to get similar colours to the original title. Compared to the creation of my front cover, I found this task more difficult as I had to try and fit everything on which was the actual content.
Again, the clothing on my model isn't the same as the Glamour magazine model,but I made sure that the pose was likewise to it and the layout was almost identical.
In addition, I had a tab open of the original image on photoshop and kept switching over just to make sure that everything was alike.
You have attempted to reconstruct a contents page that is appropriate for your target audience and task. You show a proficient understanding of conventions of layout and page design of a contents page. You have shown an awareness for the need of a variety on fonts and text sizes although I would expect this to be developed further when you are producing your on creative product. There is some evidence of you attempting to integrate illustration and text - but again I feel that this is something that can be worked on further for your own creative product. The material you have shot has a basic appropriation to the task set and you have shown some evidence of manipulating photographs appropriate to the context - although do take care that your images are appropriately "cropped".
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